The Statistics Poland undertakes to ensure the accessibility of its website in accordance with the provisions of the Law of April 4, 2019 on digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities.

The accessibility declaration applies to the website:

Date of publication of the website: .
Date of last significant update:.


Status of digital accessibility

The website is partially compliant with the Law of April 4, 2019 on Digital Accessibility of Public Entity Websites and Mobile Applications due to the non-compliance listed below.


Inaccessible elements and content

  • The website does not have a “skip link” to the content.


Preparation of accessibility declaration

Date of preparation of the declaration: .
Date of last review of the declaration: .

The declaration was prepared on the basis of a self-assessment conducted by a public entity.


Keyboard shortcuts

You can use standard keyboard shortcuts on this website.

Navigation using the Tab key is not in a logical order with respect to the content of the page - hindered navigation. In some places there is no proper visual indication of where you are.


Feedback and contact information

In case of:

  • website accessibility problems,
  • requests for non-accessible information

please contact the accessibility coordinator:

  • by correspondence

    Statistics Poland
    208 Niepodległości Avenue
    00-925 Warsaw,

  • at the e-mail address -,
  • at the phone number - +48 22 608 31 12.

In your application, provide:

  • name and surname,
  • contact details,
  • the exact URL (link) of the website where the item or content is inaccessible,
  • a description of what the problem is and what would be the most convenient way to solve it for you,
  • a screenshot showing the inaccessible element or content (optional).

Everyone has the right to request that the digital accessibility of a website, mobile application or some element thereof be ensured. You may also request that the information be made accessible by an alternative means of access, for example by reading a digitally inaccessible document, describing the content of a film without an audio description, etc.


Handling accessibility requests and complaints

We will respond to your request as soon as possible and no later than 7 days from the date of the request. If it is not possible to meet this deadline, we will inform you immediately. We will also let you know when it will be possible to comply with the request, which must be no more than 2 months from the date of the request. If it is not possible to provide digital accessibility, we will offer an alternative means of accessing the information.

If a request for accessibility or an alternative way of accessing the information is refused, he applicant has the right to complain to the Statistics Poland about the digital accessibility of the website, the mobile application or an element thereof.

After exhausting the procedure indicated above, there is a right to lodge a complaint with the Ombudsman.


Other information

Mobile applications

The Statistics Poland has the following mobile applications:

  1. GUS Geo - version for Android
  2. GUS Geo - version for iOS
  3. Geostatistical Portal - version for iOS

The apps contain maps and are exempt from meeting the accessibility standards of the WCAG 2.1 specification, according to the provisions of the Act of April 4, 2019 on digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities (Journal of Laws, item 848).


Architectural accessibility

Statistics Poland, 208 Niepodległości Avenue, 00-925 Warsaw

  1. There is one main entrance to the building from 208 Niepodległości Avenue. The building consists of seven floors and four wings which are marked A B C D on each floor.
  2. There are no stairs to the main lobby of the building in wing C from the outside, similarly to wing A.
  3. The reception area is located directly to the left of the main entrance. Further passage is secured by gates.
  4. The Statistics Poland building is largely adapted to the needs of people with disabilities. The stairs in the main lobby of the building (C wing) are equipped with movable platforms for transporting a wheelchair, inside the building adequate width of passageways is provided. Elevators are equipped with voice information and signage for the blind. On the other hand, the D wing of the Statistics Poland building, where the Central Statistical Library is located, is adapted to the needs of the disabled, i.e.: it has an appropriately wide entrance door, a staircase, an entrance platform for wheelchair users; the reading room has a non-slip floor, and the toilets are adapted to the needs of the disabled. There are 6 toilets adapted for people with disabilities throughout the building.
  5. Toilets for the disabled are located on the first floor of the main hall, to the right of the entrance, and four on each floor (floor I, III, V and VI).
  6. In front of the building there are 7 designated parking spaces for people with disabilities.
  7. In part of the building there is Braille signage. There is no contrast or enlarged print signage for the blind and visually impaired in the building.
  8. In part of the A wing there is an Statistical Information Centre, which can be accessed from the sidewalk level. The Statistical Information Centre is equipped with a bathroom adapted to the needs of people with disabilities.


Communication and information accessibility

  1. A Polish Sign Language interpreter is not available in the building. There is a possibility after a prior arrangement.
  2. There are no induction loops in the Statistics Poland building.